
Construction and analysis of learnable multibody systems.

Similar to Drake, multibody systems are instantiated as a child class of System: MultibodyLearnableSystem. This object is a thin wrapper for a MultibodyTerms member variable, which manages computation of lumped terms necessary for simulation and evaluation.

Simulation is implemented via Anitescu’s [1] convex method.

An interface for the ContactNets [2] loss is also defined as an alternative to prediction loss.

A large portion of the internal implementation of DrakeSystem is implemented in MultibodyPlantDiagram.

[1] M. Anitescu, “Optimization-based simulation of nonsmooth rigid multibody dynamics,” Mathematical Programming, 2006, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-005-0590-7 [2] S. Pfrommer*, M. Halm*, and M. Posa. “ContactNets: Learning Discontinuous Contact Dynamics with Smooth, Implicit Representations,” Conference on Robotic Learning, 2020, https://proceedings.mlr.press/v155/pfrommer21a.html

class dair_pll.multibody_learnable_system.MultibodyLearnableSystem(init_urdfs, dt, output_urdfs_dir=None)[source]

Bases: System

System interface for dynamics associated with MultibodyTerms.

Inits MultibodyLearnableSystem with provided model URDFs.

Implementation is primarily based on Drake. Bodies are modeled via MultibodyTerms, which uses Drake symbolics to generate dynamics terms, and the system can be exported back to a Drake-interpretable representation as a set of URDFs.

  • init_urdfs (Dict[str, str]) – Names and corresponding URDFs to model with MultibodyTerms.

  • dt (float) – Time step of system in seconds.

  • output_urdfs_dir (Optional[str]) – Optionally, a directory that learned URDFs can be written to.

multibody_terms: dair_pll.multibody_terms.MultibodyTerms
init_urdfs: typing.Dict[str, str]
output_urdfs_dir: typing.Optional[str] = None
visualization_system: typing.Optional[dair_pll.drake_system.DrakeSystem]
solver: sappy.sap.SAPSolver
dt: float

Exports current parameterization as a DrakeSystem.

Return type:

Dict[str, str]


New Drake system instantiated on new URDFs.

contactnets_loss(x, u, x_plus, loss_pool=None)[source]

Calculate ContactNets [1] loss for state transition.


[1] S. Pfrommer*, M. Halm*, and M. Posa. “ContactNets: Learning Discontinuous Contact Dynamics with Smooth, Implicit Representations,” Conference on Robotic Learning, 2020, https://proceedings.mlr.press/v155/pfrommer21a.html

  • x (Tensor) – (*, space.n_x) current state batch.

  • u (Tensor) – (*, ?) input batch.

  • x_plus (Tensor) – (*, space.n_x) current state batch.

  • loss_pool (Optional[Pool]) – optional processing pool to enable multithreaded solves.

Return type:



(*,) loss batch.

forward_dynamics(q, v, u, dynamics_pool=None)[source]

Calculates delta velocity from current state and input.

Implement’s Anitescu’s [1] convex formulation in dual form, derived similarly to Tedrake [2] and described here.

Let v_minus be the contact-free next velocity, i.e.:

v + dt * non_contact_acceleration.

Let FC be the combined friction cone:

FC = {[beta_n beta_t]: beta_n_i >= ||beta_t_i||}.

The primal version of Anitescu’s formulation is as follows:

min_{v_plus,s}  (v_plus - v_minus)^T M(q)(v_plus - v_minus)/2
s.t.            s = [I; 0]phi(q)/dt + J(q)v_plus,
                s \\in FC.

The KKT conditions are the mixed cone complementarity problem [3, Theorem 2]:

s = [I; 0]phi(q)/dt + J(q)v_plus,
M(q)(v_plus - v_minus) = J(q)^T f,
FC \\ni s \\perp f \\in FC.

As M(q) is positive definite, we can solve for v_plus in terms of lambda, and thus these conditions can be simplified to:

FC \\ni D(q)f + J(q)v_minus + [I;0]phi(q)/dt \\perp f \\in FC.

which in turn are the KKT conditions for the dual QCQP we solve:

min_{f}     f^T D(q) f/2 + f^T(J(q)v_minus + [I;0]phi(q)/dt)
s.t.        f \\in FC.


[1] M. Anitescu, “Optimization-based simulation of nonsmooth rigid multibody dynamics,” Mathematical Programming, 2006, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-005-0590-7 [2] R. Tedrake. Underactuated Robotics: Algorithms for Walking, Running, Swimming, Flying, and Manipulation (Course Notes for MIT 6.832), https://underactuated.mit.edu [3] S. Z. N’emeth, G. Zhang, “Conic optimization and complementarity problems,” arXiv, https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1607.05161

  • q (Tensor) – (*, space.n_q) current configuration batch.

  • v (Tensor) – (*, space.n_v) current velocity batch.

  • u (Tensor) – (*, ?) current input batch.

  • dynamics_pool (Optional[Pool]) – optional processing pool to enable multithreaded solves.

Return type:



(*, space.n_v) delta velocity batch.

sim_step(x, carry)[source]

Integrator.partial_step wrapper for forward_dynamics().

Return type:

Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]


Generates summary statistics for multibody system.

The scalars returned are simply the scalar description of the system’s MultibodyTerms.

Meshes are generated for learned DeepSupportConvex es.


statistics (Dict) – Updated evaluation statistics for the model.

Return type:



Scalars and meshes packaged into a SystemSummary.