
Interface for logging training progress to Weights and Biases.

class dair_pll.wandb_manager.WeightsAndBiasesManager(run_name, directory, project_name, resume_from_id=None)[source]

Bases: object

Manages logging of the training process.

Given a set of scalars, videos, and meshes, writes to Weights and Biases at https://wandb.ai .

run_name: str

Display name for Weights and Biases experiment run.

directory: str

Absolute path to store metadata.

project_name: str

Unique name for W&B project, analogous to a dair_pll experiment.

resume_from_id: typing.Optional[str] = None

Allow W&B to resume a unique run ID if provided.


Launches experiment run on Weights & Biases.

Return type:



The run ID of the launched run.

static log_config(config)[source]

Log experiment hyperparameter values.

static update(epoch, scalars, videos, meshes)[source]

Write new epoch summary to Weights and Biases.

Return type:
